I generalize a textbook currency union model to incorporate trade in intermediates among labor markets in order to study the local, spillover, and aggregate effects of government spending. The spillover effects of government spending mediated by trade in intermediates represents a novel and understudied mechanism by which local fiscal multiplier estimates likely represent a lower bound on the aggregate, Zero Lower Bound (ZLB) fiscal multiplier. In this framework, there is both a local and a spillover (relative) multiplier of government spending. Theoretically, summing both multipliers together yields an approximate lower bound on the aggregate, ZLB fiscal multiplier. Using geographic variation in government spending under the 2009 Recovery Act and import-export linkages between states from the 2007 Commodity Flow Survey, I estimate a local relative multiplier of 1.46 and a spillover relative multiplier of 1.33. Adding both together yields an approximate lower bound on the aggregate, ZLB fiscal multiplier of 2.8, nearly doubling the lower bound implied by the local multiplier estimate alone. A sectoral decomposition of both estimated multipliers strongly corroborates the trade in intermediates spillover mechanism.